XXX International Scientific Conference
Regional development problems have been seizing the attention of the scientific and professional public worldwide for many decades. The world economy's modern conditions make these problems even more topical, and their forms are increasingly challenging for scientific research.
One of the few institutions from this part of Europe that has for decades been monitoring and pointing out the problems and multidimensionality of regional development is the Faculty of Economics of the University of Niš, which traditionally organizes conferences dedicated to precisely this issue.
The 30th "Regional Development and Demographic Flows of Southeastern European Countries" conference will be held on June 19-20, 2025, at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Niš.
This prestigious event gathers many scientists and experts from the country and abroad. Moreover, the number of participants at this conference, from an ever-growing number of countries, is increasing yearly.
1. The paper should have no more than three authors. The paper should be 6-10 pages in length and include text (Introduction, Main text, Conclusion), illustrations, tables, references and other.
2. The instructions for technical preparation and formatting of the paper are given as a separate document - Template (engl) , Template (srb).
3. Only the reviewed papers will be published in the thematic proceedings. Papers not done according to the attached manual or not delivered to the specified deadline will not be printed in the thematic proceedings.
4. The papers prepared in accordance with the instructions and with all the necessary elements should be sent to the address:
5. Deadline for submission of papers is 09 May 2025.
Information about reviews and paper acceptance is 01 June 2025.
Registration fee per author is 30 euros in dinar counter value on the day of payment. The amount of the fee is VAT included.
The participation fee should be paid, after you have been informed about the acceptance of your paper, on the account of the Faculty of Economics:
- for payments in RSD account number: 840-1683666-17 or
- for payments in EUR by the following instructions.
The participation fee covers the conference proceedings, conference material, refreshments and lunch after the Conference.
The participation fee payment and two positive reviews are prerequisites for the publication of the papers.
Call for participants Poziv za učešće
The papers prepared in accordance with the instructions and with all the necessary elements should be sent to the address
Template (enlgish) Template (serbian)
Deadline for submission of papers is 09 May 2025.